Orthosiphon has some names based on country: Kidney Tea Plants / Java Tea (English), Kumis Kucing (Indonesia), Misai Kuching (Malaysia).

This plant grows straight , with roots on the joints but not clearly seen, 2 meters high, squared stem, round egg-shaped leave. The edge of flowers is white or purple, upper part covered by short fur. Orthosiphon plant has a dry, salty, and bitter taste. Both the leaf and the stalk are used for medicinal purposes.
Medicinal uses.
Orthosiphon / Java Tea is used for treating the ailments of the kidney, since it has a mild diuretic effect. It is also claimed to have anti-allergenic, anti-hypertensive and anti-inflammatory properties, and is commonly used for kidney stones and nephritis. Orthosiphon is sometimes used to treat gout, diabetes, hypertension and rheumatism. It is reportedly effective for anti-fungal and anti-bacterial purposes. FOLIUM, Help maintaining healthy kidney function , dissolving gall stone, and regulating urine flow.
Flavonoid consists of following main components : sinensitin, eupatorin, ortosifonin, fenolat acid, which includes ester of caveat acid, rosmarinat acid, kafeil tartrat acid and dikafeil tartrat, saponin as well as potassium salt.
Commercial products.Orthosiphon began to interest researchers early in the 20th century, when it was introduced to Europe as a popular herbal health tea. Java tea is available in many products treating for detoxification, water retention, hypertension, obesity or kidney stones. It comes in tablets, capsules, tea sachets, bottled drinks, raw herbs, dried leaves or extracts.
Available types :1. Dry Leaves + Stalk.
2. Dry on Ground Powder / Cut Tea.
Packaging:1. Dried Leaves+Stalk in press gunny/jute bags.
2. Powder in Double-layer plastic bag.
