
Eleutherine was the specific onion which different with other onions.
Those plants came from the tropics forest of America but in Indonesia for long time initially have been known as decorative plants
High of Eleutherine plant only reached 30 cm, needed the sun rays directly, and liked the rich land humus and was humid enough. This plant was increased with the doll or the roots.

Eleutherine plant had the color of the red roots with the green leaves had the shape of the tape and his flower was white. The roots of the Eleutherine contain fitokimia compound namely the alkaloid, glycoside, flavonoid, fenolik, steroids and tannin.
Empirically, Eleutherine has been used by local community as medicine plant of various illness as breasts cancer, medicine to decrease Hypertension, diabetes mellitus, unloaded cholesterol, boil medicine, intestines cancer and prevented stroke. The Eleutherine could be utilized in the form of fresh (bulbs) simplisia, foods and in powder form. The potential for Eleutherine as the multifunctional medicine plant was very big to be increased the using as the modern remedy.

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